I have divided the September 30, 2022 Dorney Park trip report into two parts. In Part 1, you will find the standard recap of the rides we experienced with my stand out attractions. Here in Part 2, you will find mini-reviews for all seven of the mazes featured in this year’s Halloween Haunt event.
On Friday, September 30, 2022 I did something I haven’t done in years – walked though haunted mazes at an amusement park. I’ve always been a fan of haunted houses and getting to do them at a park has always a nice bonus. So why has it been so long you ask? Well, there’s a few reasons.
We all know what happened in 2020. Sadly, many amusement parks offered neutered versions of their haunts, if they offered them at all. Most gave the 2020 events different names knowing they couldn’t offer the mazes and some even offered them at a lesser price. I still loved attending these, but missed the mazes.
When 2021 rolled around, I figured I’d end up getting to at least one haunt – and I did. I got to several, actually. Still, I never made it into a single maze. The biggest reason for this was that a few of the parks I visited keep their haunts family-friendly and feature no mazes. Others, namely the Six Flags chain, feature mazes, but charge extra to do them. I’m not a fan of having to pay extra on top entry into the park – even with a membership/pass. I attended a couple of parks featuring haunts with friends who don’t enjoy them, so we stuck to the coasters. And speaking of sticking to coasters, at Kings Island, Sam and Kaylee were there for their first time last year and needed all the credits. We focused on that instead of the haunts. So yeah, it’s been a while.

Scare Zones & Uh... Stare Zones?
So here I was in 2022 way overdue. And guess what? I finally got my wish. Dorney Park was the destination and their Halloween Haunt one I’ve previously experienced. That, however, was back in 2014. I remember it being great, so I was looking forward to going back.
Did it measure up? Honestly, it was pretty good, but not as great as my memories of the 2014 Haunt. It certainly wasn’t bad though. Both Charles and Brian loved the event and found it to be better than some of the offerings from other parks in this region here in 2022. With this being my first of the year, I cannot comment on that. Hopefully, I’ll get to find out in the weeks to come. And if I do, I’ll be sure to share my thoughts on those with you as well.
For this review I will be sharing the pros and cons for each of Dorney’s seven mazes – along with their description and promo image for each. I won’t be going into a ton of detail of what you will see inside, instead electing for a more general take. I guess you can say, “Spoiler free?”
Hopefully all of you get the chance to experience these for yourself. I’d love to hear your thoughts on these mazes and the event as a whole. Do you agree with my assessment, or do you find yourself aligning more with Charles and Brian? Or did you not like it at all? I hope that’s not the case because there is a lot here to enjoy and some potential for it to be even better as the event rolls on.
In the 1970’s, at the height of candy and novelty manufacturing, a candy factory’s greedy owner, Miss Dee Lecktubble, was the top developer and seller of the best-tasting, most unique, and even creepy treats. Overcome by the taste of her success, Miss Lecktubble began to cut corners, and fingers and toes of her workers, to continue to be the most unique candy developer around. When faced with the reality that she was losing out to competitors with less macabre treats, the owner went on a warpath and burned down the factory with everyone, including herself, inside.
In the aftermath of this tragedy, the souls of the deceased employees still haunt the old building and the area around it. Trespassers to the decimated candy factory often say they hear noises and have experienced the smell of candy in the air. Do you dare make your way through the dark ruins of the candy factory to get a taste of the undead and possibly come face to face with the deceased Miss Dee?
Description & Photo Courtesy: Dorney Park 2022 Halloween Haunt Event Page
Pros: Walking inside you’ll notice a sweet smell instantly. I even commented out loud how good the building smelled and someone else in our group agreed. Before writing this review I was not aware of the backstories/maze descriptions for any of the mazes. Reading it in hindsight makes me appreciate that “sweet” touch so much more.
For those of you who enjoy darker mazes, this will be up your alley. With a name like Blackout, that better be the case and it is. The dark corridors and use of strobe lights will keep you guessing what is around the next bend. It will also have you bumping into people from your party from time to time.
Cons: This felt like the shortest maze of the event. It was also rather uneventful on the scares. I saw a few actors popping up throughout, but a lot of them seemed to be standing in corners giving you the evil eye with minimal interaction. I’m not sure if that is due to safety precautions with the strobes and dark hallways, but it felt like a quick indoor walk through more than a haunt, per se. Other people in our group, namely the woman who agreed with my on the smell, said, “That’s it?” upon leaving. So I wasn’t the only one who felt this was on the weaker side.
Blood on the Bayou
Something unexpected and dangerous has happened in the old city of New Orleans, Louisiana — a powerful passageway to the spirit world has suddenly opened up many residents and Mardi Gras revelers are lining up with excitement at the prospects of contacting deceased loved ones or being healed. As the unexperienced are conducting rituals with utter carelessness and disrespect, more and more reports are coming in of strange and unexplained hauntings populating the region — including the nearby bayous and swamps of the Mississippi River.
Dare to make your way through the swamps’ haunted trails that The Duke has claimed, becoming stronger as he collects the souls of the unsuspecting. Dark secrets trouble the French Quarter, where curses possess innocent souls and mindless demons trudge through murky waters in search of their next victim.
Description & Photo Courtesy: Dorney Park 2022 Halloween Haunt Event Page
Pros: This maze was my favorite, featuring an amazing host outside the entrance. Within seconds of her speech about entering the Bayou, she had everyone itching to get inside. She was even able to turn a park security guard walking into the building into a story and a few laughs. Her energy was top notch and should be commended. I believed she mentioned having worked at Dorney’s Halloween Haunt for 10 years. Kudos to her!
Once inside, the prop work was some of the best of the seven mazes. There are even animatronics that provide several “wow” moments. I don’t want to spoil any of those as they’re some of the highlights of this maze. And just like the host, the actors inside Blood on the Bayou were some of the most energetic of the night. There makeup was also some of the best to boot. Had I repeated any of the haunts, it would have been this one hands down.
Cons: None.
Mayhem and madness have taken over and pandemonium reigns supreme in Enigma. First, you’ll start feeling confused, then disoriented, trying desperately to find a way out. Each room is more twisted than the last, confusing your senses with impressive illusions, blinding lights and overwhelming mindbenders.
Amidst the chaos, faceless creatures attack from seemingly every direction — waiting to ambush when you’re most vulnerable. Will you be able to navigate the chaos that lies within this scare maze and triumph over its merciless monsters?
Description & Photo Courtesy: Dorney Park 2022 Halloween Haunt Event Page
Pros: If flashing lights and optical illusions are your thing, this might be the maze for you.
Cons: Easily my least favorite maze. We were the only guests in line when we approached. We had just come from Tourist Trap, so the maze wasn’t just opening. The reason I say this is because one of the first few rooms we walked into had a plain clothed staff member, holding a clipboard, talking to a group of actors. Once they saw us, they finished up quickly and began walking to their positions. Sadly, I think this meeting may have caused us to walk past where some actors may have been? At least I hope so.
To make matters worse, the actors who were in place throughout the second half of the maze were mostly just standing there looking at us. A few did put in some effort, but for the most part, this was a very lackluster experience. It’s a safe bet that this would have been better had we repeated it later that night. Having bought the Fright Pass, a repeat would have been possible for us. But I can’t imagine someone waiting in line without one, especially on a busy night, having that experience. Talk about very underwhelming.
Dating back to the 1770’s, the land now occupied by Dorney Park was once farmland, with a portion of the land dedicated to a burial ground where many were laid to rest, some memorialized with tombstones and others in unmarked, shallow graves.
As the late Solomon Dorney’s summer resort property grew into an amusement park, the burial ground was soon eclipsed by rides and games, leaving the burial grounds neglected and the tombstones ill-maintained. The peaceful slumber of those laid to rest has been interrupted by the laughter and screams of the living, forcing them to walk the earth once again, trapping the living in their haunted maze as they search for revenge …and the person that woke them.
Description & Photo Courtesy: Dorney Park 2022 Halloween Haunt Event Page
Pros: I love outdoor haunts and this one mostly delivered. There are tons of graves and plenty of actors found throughout. You do spend a few minutes walking through this maze too.
Cons: While there are tons of graves and lots of actors, you can see everything clearly – even at a large distance. If the park added some fog and strategic lighting to obscure your vision, this one would easily be among the best. Outdoor jump scares can be next level and there is plenty of room to run for those who get scared.

Roadside Chop Shop
Welcome to Cedar Creek Junction! Old Route 22’s premiere spot for Fall family fun. Before you indulge yourself in our many attractions, be sure to visit our general store to take some of our famous farm-made jam home with you – the secret ingredient is a Cedar Creek Junction specialty! If you’re lucky… we’ll include you when whipping up a batch.
Our corn maze and petting zoo are crowd favorites but do take caution, as some of our animals are of the unique breed and can get a bit hostile. But don’t let that stop you – just feed them some of that specialty jam of ours and their cravings will be temporarily satisfied. Cedar Creek Junction is such a hoot of a time – you may just not leave!
Description & Photo Courtesy: Dorney Park 2022 Halloween Haunt Event Page
Pros: This is my second favorite maze and featured some of the most over the top actors of the night. Although this is also an outdoor attraction, the faux sheds and structures make you feel like you’re escaping one place before getting trapped in the next. The corn-lined pathways also add a claustrophobic feel. To top things off, I felt like I was in this maze for a long time while scene after scene played out. This is a must do if you have limited time and can only do a few haunts.
Cons: Other than Steel Force rumbling by from time-to-time making it hard to hear the actors, none.
Tourist Trap
It’s the 1893 World’s Fair… and H.H. Holmes found a satisfaction in performing macabre experiments on insects, and his curiosity was getting the best of him. How would a human react to this kind of pain? The solution came to him in the form of more real estate. He strategically purchased more property surrounding his original office and apartment in order to build his “Murder Castle”. He disguised it as an upscale “World’s Fair Hotel” that brought in hundreds of unsuspecting tourists. Now, he could do his work on his new victims and disguise it all as a hotel. Care to check in?
Description & Photo Courtesy: Dorney Park 2022 Halloween Haunt Event Page
Pros: We began the night with this haunt. The first few rooms gave me good impressions as far as props go. Even though I love a good scare actor, a lot of what I enjoy about haunted houses is seeing the rooms they’re in. This is one of several mazes, including Trick or Treat and Blood on the Bayou, where you can walk through several times and see something different every time you enter a room.
Cons: The first-third of this haunt didn’t have a single scare actor. Charles, Brian, and I all commented on this as we went from room to room. I’m not sure if that is how this maze is supposed to be, or maybe if they had to shuffle people around for staffing? That’s just a guess on my part. It just felt flat in that regard until we made it to the last two-thirds of the maze.
Trick or Treat
Are you brave enough to visit the creepy old house along the creek? Lore has it, a coven of old sisters live there, practicing witchcraft in order to punish the townspeople who ridiculed them for years.
On Halloween, the sisters concocted a spell over all children in the community, promising them unlimited candy and other delicious treats if they visited their cottage. Once inside the house, the children were given a treat they’d never forget… nor escape. The sisters kept their promise and continually fed the children treats and candy—stuffing them full like turkeys at Thanksgiving. The Witches savor their victims’ youth at their own mealtime… hoping to regain their own vitality and beauty. Will you be the witches’ next victims in this Halloween maze?
Description & Photo Courtesy: Dorney Park 2022 Halloween Haunt Event Page
Pros: Both Brian and I enjoyed this maze, but Charles said it was his least favorite at the time. I’m pretty sure Blackout would later take that distinction for him, though. For me, the props were among some of my favorite. I found myself looking all around, trying to take it all in. While I was looking around, several actors took note and did go for the scare. I’m generally not too jumpy when it comes to haunted houses, but I still appreciate the effort.
Cons: Although there were numerous actors oozing personality in this maze, there were still few doing what I saw way too much of all night throughout the mazes – standing in a corner and just looking at guests. I know there’s the whole menacing stare thing you see at haunts, but the sheer number of them throughout the mazes blew my mind. Not sure if they’re directed to do that, or if it was just low effort on their part. If done by direction, perhaps management can get them doing a little more to make these at least a little better. This didn’t ruin the maze for me like it did with Enigma, but it was still worth pointing out.
Final Haunt Counts
Blackout (1: Brian, Charles, Patrick)
Blood on the Bayou (1: Brian, Charles, Patrick)
Enigma (1: Brian, Charles, Patrick)
Necropolis (2: Brian, Charles, Patrick, 1: Kaylee)
Roadside Chop Shop (1: Brian, Charles, Patrick)
Tourist Trap (2: Brian, Charles, 1: Patrick)
Trick or Treat (1: Brian, Charles, Patrick)

Fright Lane Pass or No?
Above I mentioned our group having the Fright Lane Pass. When we arrived we weren’t sure if we’d need one or not. It cost $50 and did include both the mazes and rides. We decided to wait to see how the crowds were. After walking into two houses with a combined 5 minute wait, we didn’t think we would. By time we got to our third haunt, however, the realization set in that in order to do all seven and ride the coasters before close, we’d have to buy one. It wasn’t super busy, but five hours wouldn’t be enough for what we aimed to do.
With all that said, keep in mind that we visited on a Friday night. Hours were 6-11 p.m., so we didn’t have all day to ride the coasters beforehand. I can’t comment on what crowds will be like on Saturdays, but know that most parks are usually busier that day. Sundays have been a safe bet for me in the past with Halloween events, so that might a good option for those not wanting to spend the extra cash. Also keep in mind that the price of Fright Lane will vary on the day you’re going, being either $35, $50, or $65.
I will say that the fact that Dorney’s Fright Lane Pass let us avoid lines for both the mazes and coasters was what made it worthwhile. I’ve been to other parks that sell the skip the line passes separately for rides and mazes. Dorney’s is combined.
Your funding and opinions on Fright Lane will differ, but I thought I’d at least share my experience with you. Regardless of what you decide, I think a visit to Dorney’s Halloween Haunt is certainly worth it – even with the hiccups I listed above. I still had a lot of fun and it was great getting back out to a park for some haunted fun once again. I can’t wait for the next one. Now I just need to figure out where to go…
Dorney Park Photo Gallery - September 30, 2022
If you would like to use any of the images in the gallery above for your commercial and/or non-commercial projects, feel free to do so. I ask that you credit We Were Inverted whenever they’re used. I also ask that you do not alter the image or remove the watermarks. If you need any images/video resized or without the watermarks, please contact me directly.
The following flight crew members attended this park, & earned the respective credits below:

New Credit(s): n/a

New Credit(s): n/a