700 Dollywood Lane
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee 37863
United States
If you would like to use any of the images in the gallery below for your commercial & non-commercial projects, feel free to do so. I ask that you credit We Were Inverted whenever they’re used. I also ask that you do not alter the image or remove the watermarks. If you need any images/video resized or without the watermarks, please contact me directly.
Ride Gallery
Barnstormer (3)
Big Bear Mountain (32)
Blazing Fury (8)
Dare Devil Falls (8)
Dolly Parton Experience (27)
Dollywood Express (3)
Dragonflier (17)
Drop Line (4)
FireChaser Express (34)
Lightning Rod (17)
Mystery Mine (37)
National Roller Coaster Museum Exhibit (9)
River Battle (1)
Smoky Mountain River Rampage (4)
Tennessee Tornado (21)
Thunderhead (26)
Whistle Punk Chaser (3)
Wild Eagle (17)
Misc. (10)