Twisted Timbers - Kings Dominion

Kings Dominion – A ‘Twisted’ Night at WinterFest

The morning of Monday, December 27, 2021, I was brushing my teeth before heading out to pick up Sam. You see, we were headed down to Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW) to meet up with Chris D., Carrie, Hannah, and Grace. If you read, “Busch Gardens Williamsburg – Christmas Town Catch Up,” then you already know how the day turned out. You also saw that Sam and I had plans to visit Kings Dominion on our way back home to Baltimore. Those plans were hatched while I was brushing my teeth. I saw a post on Instagram from Kings Dominion showing their WinterFest hours. I texted Sam a screenshot, she loved the idea, and that was that!

1.5 Hours, 1 Ride, 6 Times

Our only plan for Kings Dominion Monday was to ride Twisted Timbers however many times we could, in whatever amount of time we had. We weren’t sure how busy the park would be two days after Christmas, so we figured we might only get a couple rides, or we could get a lot if it was a ghost town. We ended up with six, but those six came in just an hour and a half. Add in the time I used to film some footage for Part 3 of the vlog series above and it was closer to an hour.

After checking our items into a locker, we had a one train wait for first ride of the night, in the back row. We elected to grab the front row for our second ride, waiting behind a gentleman who kinda sorta resembled Danny DeVito. And no, it wasn’t him. Those were the only times we waited for any ride with the four remaining rides having no one in the queue or being immediate re-rides allowed by the staff. 

We did waste a little bit of time trying to claim our photos of the ride’s self-service kiosk after our third ride. It allowed us to claim the first photo immediately, but then wouldn’t scan my barcode again afterward. We even tried after getting all six rides and it was no dice. Thankfully, we managed to get four of the six photos before leaving the park. I felt so bad making the staff member helping us search for those, so I didn’t push her to find the last two. I appreciated what we did find.

Twisted Timbers

On all six rides, Twisted Timbers was hauling. It wasn’t exactly freezing outside, being in the high 40’s to low 50’s. I expected some slowdown, but I sure didn’t feel any. Timbers kicked our butts each and every cycle, with five out of our six rides coming in the back two rows. Even that front row ride was biting hard, just in different ways. Entering the airtime hills was insane in the front as opposed to being yanked through them in the back.

Getting to ride six time in such short succession made me realize why I love this ride so much. I know some find it overrated, or maybe overly repetitive. I respect those opinions, but this ride is just plain fun to me. Each and every pop of air, tight turn, or change of direction has me smiling or laughing my ass off. Not many rides do that, so Twisted Timbers gets bonus points that fun factor. It’s the same reason I love Copperhead Strike so much at Carowinds.

Final Ride Counts

Twisted Timbers (6)

International Street - Kings Dominion Winterfest 2021
The entire park looks amazing for WinterFest, but International Street is breathtaking.

An Unexpected Return for New Year's Eve

As I was writing this blog, trying to get it published before New Year’s Eve, I exchanged a few texts with Kaylee. She was planning to head to Six Flags America (SFA), which is open from 2 – 8 p.m. tomorrow for Holiday in the Park. I asked her if she wanted any company and she said sure. A few minutes later she then asked if I’d like to go to Kings Dominion afterward. They’re open 5 p.m. – 1 a.m. to celebrate New Year’s. I said, “Why not?”

Long story short, Sam is now going to run down to SFA after work for a few rides. The rhree of us will then head down for another round of WinterFest. I’ve never been at a park to bring in New Year’s, so why not?

I can’t say I saw any of this coming, but last minute plans like these tend to be some of the best trips. Looks like you’ll be having another Kings Dominion trip report coming your way here soon after the one from SFA’s Holiday in the Park. How many more rides on Twisted Timbers are we going to squeeze in? Who knows? I think this time we’ll also throw some Dominator into the mix. Too bad Anaconda is closed…

Kings Dominion Photo Gallery - December 27, 2021

If you would like to use any of the images in the gallery above for your commercial and/or non-commercial projects, feel free to do so. I ask that you credit We Were Inverted whenever they’re used. I also ask that you do not alter the image or remove the watermarks. If you need any images/video resized or without the watermarks, please contact me directly.


The following flight crew members attended this park, & earned the respective credits below:

Crew Member - Patrick



New Credit(s): n/a

Crew Member - Sam



New Credit(s): n/a

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