
CAG Report – December 2021 Recap

I planned on using December to focus on several background items to help me with my updates on this ever-growing site. While I did manage to do a bit of that to begin the month, by the end, I was busy riding coasters, shooting vlogs, and writing blogs. I ended up spending the majority of my time in front of this computer working on those instead of the background items I intended to tackle.

All that being said, I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. After all, those background items don’t hinder your ability to view We Were Inverted’s content. And speaking of content, I hope you enjoyed it. If you were unable to view everything due to it being the holidays, I hope you’re able to go back now that things are slowing down and give them a look. Here is a recap of what took place:

It took a few months, but all of the park galleries are now complete.

Galleries are Complete

One thing I’ve been going at hard over the last few months is the site’s new Photo Gallery section. I was able to finish things in December, adding two of the site’s largest galleries in Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) and Knoebels. And just when I thought I was finished, I go and locate an old hard drive with photos from a 2011 trip to Las Vegas. Four more galleries were added from that trip.

At this point the galleries are pretty much finished. I hope you like their addition. I’ve gotten some great feedback on my photos on social media, especially when it comes to some of my older photos of defunct coasters and parks.

7 New Videos Added to YouTube

I mentioned in the past that I was looking to grow the site’s YouTube channel moving forward. In December, seven videos including POV’s, off-ride footage, and several vlogs were published. I’ve been trying out a few new things in the most recent videos, which you can see in the two vlogs above. These came from same day visits to Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW) and Kings Dominion on December 27th.

Expect to be seeing more new videos in the weeks to come as well. I have POV footage from BGW and a vlog from a New Year’s Eve visit to Six Flags America (SFA) still left to edit.

6 Pins Shy of 700 w/ 20 December Pick-Ups

Closing out 2021, I am now only six pins shy of 700. If you haven’t been keeping up with my Pin Collection these last few months, you’ve missed out on a bunch of new additions. December wasn’t any different, picking up 20 pins. Most of them came from my park visits, but I also was lucky enough to get some from friends in the hobby.

What methods do you use to find your amusement park pins? Would you be interested in learning how I go about securing the pins in my collection? I’ve been thinking about doing a tips piece for the site’s blog if people are interested.

Greg had no idea why I was taking this photo of him. He told me to use it for his interview though.

2021 Reflection Interviews

As 2021 drew to a close, I got the idea to ask a handful of the site’s Flight Crew about their memories of 2021. I thought it would be nice to read some other people’s opinions than mine for a change. I kept those interviews short and sweet and asked everyone to answer the same six questions. 

Once all was said and done, on New Year’s Eve, I decided to go ahead and answer those same questions myself. Yeah, so I technically interviewed myself. Can’t say I’ve ever done that before.

After Pin Palooza at Six Flags Great Adventure, I got in 6 more rides on Nitro in 2021.

December Trips

When December began I couldn’t have guessed that I would be visiting five different amusement parks, one of those twice, before the month’s conclusion. Getting to spend time with friends during each one of those trips made those times all the more memorable too. It didn’t matter if it was hanging out with friends I’ve known for years, or even just a few months – great times were had each and every time. Here are the recaps of those trips:

Twisted Timbers - Kings Dominion
We managed to ride Twisted Timbers twice immediately after midnight on our New Year's Eve visit.

Moving into 2022

Just a few minutes after midnight on January 1, 2022, at Kings Dominion, some of us were able to grab a couple of rides on Twisted Timbers. Talk about an awesome coaster to kick off the New Year. I had never been inside an amusement park during a New Year’s celebration, so that was awesome in itself. Add in the fact that we got to see the fireworks show from the Twisted Timbers station prior to loading and it left me with memories I won’t soon forget.

As for what is on the horizon here in January and further out into 2022 on We Were Inverted, that is yet to be determined. I have a couple content creators who have agreed to do interviews that I’m looking forward to adding to the site. They’ll make for some great content to feature as we wait for springtime to roll back around. 

I also have a few installments of the Influential Coasters of My Childhood series planned that I really need write. With all that has been going on between this site, YouTube, and the social media accounts, I keep pushing these to the back burner so they’re not lost in the rest of the content. I think it’s time to publish a new one here soon.

What would you like to see in 2022? I’d love to know your thoughts and opinions. You can reach me through this site and any of the social media platforms found in the footer below. I hope all of you had a great New Year and I’m looking forward to another year of We Were Inverted.

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