When you’re a roller coaster enthusiast, there are things you absolutely must do. Things like drive an 40 minutes out of your way after leaving Kennywood to get a kiddie coaster credit at Fun Fore All. It doesn’t matter that you’ve been up since 4:45 a.m. and have to drive back to Baltimore afterward. Nope! It’s just something you have to do. Add in the fact that one of those buddies, Greg, left Kennywood with 99 credits and how could you not?
All kidding aside, Sam and I planned to drive up to Fun Fore All last month when we visited Kennywood during opening weekend. Sadly, the cold weather and rain caused Fun Fore All not to run Fiesta Express. Kennywood didn’t run Steel Curtain either, so I left the region with no new credits. Luck was on our side here in June, however. Fun Fore All was open until 10 p.m., giving us time to head up after another trip to Kennywood. And if you read the blog, “Kennywood – An Enthusiast 6-Pack,” you already know Steel Curtain was up and running.

Our Arrival
When we pulled into the parking lot at Fun Fore All, I immediately wished we had more time. Their miniature golf course looked impressive and the Go Karts looked quite fun as well. Sadly, with a 4 hour, 40 minute drive ahead of us to get back home, there was no way we could include either. We only had time for their roller coaster.
After charging our cards with $3 worth of credits for the coaster, we made our way outside. Well, we made our way outside three different times. There was multiple doors going outside and it’s not like Fiesta Express towers high in the air. We guess and guessed wrong the first two times. The third time was the charm. We opened that door and saw a brightly lit ride sign reading, “Fiesta Express.” It was like a beacon, waiting for us to ride and be Greg’s 100th credit.
Fiesta Express
I don’t know how much detail I can go into here as the photo above pretty much shows you what Fiesta Express offers. That orange and blue scheme, however, is always a favorite of mine. It why Hersheypark’s Fahrenheit adorns the front page and Dorney Park’s Talon was picked to be used in the logo. Maybe when I grow tired of that Fahrenheit photo, I’ll replace it with one of Fiesta Express. It already spent over 24 hours as the banner photo for Coaster Appreciation Society (CAS) on Facebook this weekend and lots of people inquired about it and its location.
Speaking of photos, I had Greg and Sam ride the coaster first so that I could get some footage of the occasion. Greg getting number 100 was big and I wanted to make sure I had some images to commemorate the evening. Once the two of them did their three laps through the tangled course, I handed my phone off to Greg. He then filmed Kaylee and I.
Kaylee made her way to the back of the train to get that sweet airtime. I, on the other hand, sat up front. Since I turned 42 the day before, and was constantly teased for being old all day, I didn’t know if I’d be able to handle all that intensity. I did try to get Kaylee to comment on how wild that back row ride was, but she tried to play things off like it was tame. I’m pretty sure I saw her grabbing that lap bar pretty tight with each of those back and forth turns though.
Final Ride Counts
Fiesta Express (1)
Thanks to Our Ride Op & the Staff
Like I said, we had to be in and out visiting Fun Fore All visit. That didn’t stop us from having a great interaction with our ride operator, though. I didn’t get her name, but she was very kind to us. We struck up a conversation about why four grown adults came all the way from Baltimore to ride their kiddie coaster. I wish I had one of my cards on me, to give her so she could find this blog and know that we appreciated her chatting with us during our time at the ride. Sadly, I had passed out the last one in my wallet at Kennywood earlier.
I will shoot a message to the Fun Fore All Instagram account (@FunForeAll) and see if they can pass along the praise. Speaking of praise, their social media staff was quick to comment and like each and every post made by the crew after we left the park. We hope those posts, and this blog, send some visitors your way. Maybe some other coaster enthusiasts like us, or perhaps someone from the area even. If do visit, just try to give yourself more time than we had. There is so much more fun to get into that we had the time for… or is that fore?
Fun Fore All Photo Gallery - June 3, 2021
If you would like to use any of the images in the gallery above for your non-commercial projects, feel free to do so. I ask that you credit We Were Inverted whenever they’re used. I also ask that you do not alter the image or remove the watermarks. If you need any images/video resized or without the watermarks, please contact me directly.
The following flight crew members attended this park, & earned the respective credits below:

New Credit(s): Fiesta Express

New Credit(s): Fiesta Express

New Credit(s): Fiesta Express

New Credit(s): Fiesta Express