At 2 p.m. yesterday I had plans to meet up with Elaina for lunch. While driving out to meet her, I was thinking about my plans for the rest of the day. Like most enthusiasts, riding roller coasters popped into my head. That’s when I knew I was driving up to Hersheypark to ride Storm Runner. I, like so many others, have been waiting for the chance to get back on this infamous Intamin Accelerator Coaster for over a year and a half now. For me, I’m almost certain that my last rides came back in 2018. So yeah, I was long overdue!

A Slow, Teasing Approach
After waiting this long to ride Storm Runner, “What was a few more minutes?” I asked myself. I pulled out my phone right in the parking lot and began filming footage for a vlog on the We Were Inverted YouTube channel. I wanted to document my feelings heading into the park, approaching the coaster, and after that first ride. That’s exactly what I did too, plus a whole lot more.
Once inside the park, I took the scenic route, going over the bridge by the Aquatheater. I stopped and filmed some footage of the coaster swooping through its iconic heartline roll and flying snake dive. I was so excited, but I kept my emotions tempered. For the next 15-20 minutes I stopped by Spring Creek Smokehouse, Trailblazer, and the popular observation area for Storm Runner’s launch. I filmed a lot of off ride material as gave my thoughts before riding.
Being so close, however, it finally got the best of me and I had to go stand in line.
2 Bouts of Downtime - Ride Op Ryan Keeps it Interesting
I was happy to see the line for the ride was only about a 20 minute wait. I shot some more footage in the bullpens and ride station. As my ride drew near, I put my phone away and prepared to ride. Then… two separate moments of downtime.
That’s right, my bad luck from last week’s Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) visit for the Jersey Devil Coaster debut followed me to Hershey. My 20 minute wait turned into about 60, but it was still well worth it.
During these waits I, along with many others on our side of the station, struck up a conversation with a ride operator named, Ryan. I’ll tell you what, Ryan was one of the coolest ride ops I have seen at any amusement park. That’s saying a lot too because everyone is always phenomenal. I’ve never experienced a undesirable employee at Hershey, ever!
As for Ryan, he engaged us with conversation about Storm Runner, the park, and it’s other coasters. He had everyone telling him their favorite rides and I, of course, shared my story about Sam and I riding all 32 seats on Skyrush a few weeks ago. If you haven’t read about that crazy day, check out the blog, “Hersheypark – Skyrush Mission 32 in 9 Accomplished,” and watch the vlog, “Hersheypark – Skyrush: Mission 32 in 9 (All 32 Seats on Skyrush).”
Ryan was amazed when I told him about that and he told me how Storm Runner was his overall favorite, but how he’s a fan of Candymonium as well. He sure did make the downtime enjoyable. I made sure I returned to his side of the station on my future visits just in case my bad luck followed me back up for subsequent rides.
Ride #1 - Front Row
Once the ride reopened, I took my seat in the front row alone. The train dispatched out onto the launch and I was beyond ready at that point. The legendary, “Get ready! Here we go!” came across the speaker and I, for the first time in years, experienced one of my two all-time favorite launches. Sadly, the other launch belonged to Kings Dominion’s Volcano the Blast Coaster. While neither are/were the most intense or the fastest launches I’ve experienced, I have always found both to be memorable. Volcano for launching twice, with the second shooting you up and out of the Volcano. Storm Runner, on the other hand, always boiled down to that audio track and everyone standing right there watching you from the observation area and on the walkway down below.
As for the ride experience, waiting a few extra trains for that front row was well worth it. That unobstructed view on the launch and then hitting all those amazing inversions was unreal. I liken it to a ride in the front seat on an inverted coaster – no one in front of you, all that wind, and the world just buzzing by.
After returning to the station, I walked up to Ryan and told him the coaster better than I remember. He was happy for me and mentioned again how it’s his favorite coaster in the park. He’s not the only person I’ve heard say that either. Oddly, however, I overheard a few people yesterday talking about how they like Sidewinder better. Umm… Okay? To each their own, I guess.

Ride #2 - Back Row
When I left the station, I wanted to stop for a minute and record my immediate feelings about my first ride in over two years. I made sure to do it right by the entrance to the queue line because I was going right back up when I finished. And for my second ride, I was going back row. I got in line on Ryan’s side again and he immediately recognized me.
“Riding again?” he asked.
The back row ride felt mostly the same, with some extra pull over the top hat and through the inversions. It’s worth getting a ride in both the front and the back, if you’re able to ride multiple times. If you only have time for one, however, I’d say go for the front for the view.
Returning to the station, Ryan asked me how the back row felt. I flashed a thumbs up and he flashed them right back and said, “Awesome.”
When leaving the station, I realized I had a decision to make. Ride again? Or shoot some extra footage and grab a bite to eat? I chose the latte and ran down to the Smokehouse and got some chicken on my meal plan. I knew I’d be able to sit right under the track while I ate. Multi-tasking at its finest.
When I finished eating, I still had 15-20 minutes left before the park closed. I figured I’d head back to the ride entrance to see if they were still allowing people to get in line. They were!
Ride #3 - Front Row
For my final ride, there wasn’t much of a line. I walked all the way into the station. All the rows appeared pretty even, so I headed for the front once again. I didn’t see Ryan on the platform, so I boarded the left side for the first time.
When I was next to board, Ryan came walking up, smiled upon seeing me again. He was looking to fill a single rider row and asked if I’d mind sitting with someone else. I told him I didn’t mind at all. It actually made the last ride more memorable. The lady riding with me was riding for the first time and she was so energetic, yet a little scared. I assured her she was going to love it and she did. She wanted to ride again so bad.
As our train pulled back into the station, I glanced down to see if the queue had been closed. Sadly, the chain was over the entrance, so I knew I was done for the day. Still, with my three rides from 4:40 p.m. to close, along with all the footage I came away with, and getting a bite to eat, I call the evening a success. I waved bye to Ryan and thanked him for his kindness and was on my way out of the park and back to Baltimore.
Final Ride Counts
Storm Runner (3)
Feeling Like a New, Old Credit
In my vlog, I made mention of Storm Runner being a “new, old credit.” Walking into that queue yesterday, I did feel like I was riding Storm Runner for the first time. Once out on the track, however, everything came rushing back to me before the wind came rushing into my face. I even braced myself toward the end where my neck used to slam into the over the shoulder straps heading into the brake run. Yesterday, however, no chops.
Yes, the ride still does feel on the shorter side. As a more seasoned enthusiast, however, I know that’s a trait of this particular ride type. And of those I have also experienced, which includes SFGAdv’s Kingda Ka and Cedar Point’s Top Thrill Dragster, Storm Runner is just so different and less of a “one trick pony,” if you will. Funny, isn’t it? The one named after a horse isn’t the one trick pony. Go figure!
Next week I am hoping to head back up to Hersheypark with Sam on Wednesday. She’s been clamoring to ride Storm Runner since last year. It’s the last coaster credit she needs from the park. That credit would have been obtained on Tuesday too, if her plans had come to fruition. She had plans with a few of her girlfriends, but they have since fell through. Instead, Sam will be headed to Kings Dominion with Mindy, Mailyn, and I on Tuesday. Knowing how much she wanted to ride Storm Runner, however, I asked her if she wanted to go up on Wednesday for a few hours. Needless to say, it piqued her interest.
As for me, I’d be down to get in a few more rides on Storm Runner next week. It doesn’t feel right to have it below Cocoa Cruiser on the ride tally count these last few years. We’re going to have to change that!
Hersheypark Photo Gallery - June 18, 2021
If you would like to use any of the images in the gallery above for your non-commercial projects, feel free to do so. I ask that you credit We Were Inverted whenever they’re used. I also ask that you do not alter the image or remove the watermarks. If you need any images/video resized or without the watermarks, please contact me directly.
The following flight crew members attended this park, & earned the respective credits below:

New Credit(s): n/a