A few weeks ago I found myself with some extra time on my hands and an itch to take some roller coaster photos. I had recently done a round of photos at both Hersheypark and Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW) with awesome results. I wanted to visit somewhere else and see what I could get there. With a planned trip to Knoebels the coming week, I narrowed my choices down to Kings Dominion or Dorney Park. Long story short, I ended up going with Kings Dominion. I’m hoping to make my way to Dorney soon, however. I would have went last Monday, but the forecast showed a 67 percent chance of thunderstorms with the possibility of hail. I decided to wait.

I Started in the Parking Lot
My plan was to start out taking photos to make use of the sunlight, then move onto whatever rides I wanted to do. I arrived at 1 p.m. and immediately began taking photos of Dominator from the parking lot. Most of the photos I had of this coaster were taken from inside inside the park – mostly at the base of the vertical loop and then at the back end of the ride. With my zoom lens in my camera bag, I knew I could capture things in spots I usually don’t attempt. Sadly my plan to do some aerial photos of the coasters from the Eifel Tower didn’t pan out with the attraction closed the day of my visit. Oh well. Something to look forward to next time.
Dominator actually ended up being the coaster I shot the most, with Intimidator 305 coming in second. I was able to get lots of great angles of these two coasters, especially with the zoom lens attached. The shots it allowed me to get of Intimidator 305 alone made bringing it worthwhile. It certainly padded the photo count of the coaster in the Kings Dominion Photo Gallery. For those of you wishing to see the photos from this day alone, however, be sure to check out the gallery at the conclusion of this trip report. There’s 80 photos to browse through, including some taken at Anaconda, Tumbili, Reptilian, and a few others.
I Did a Fair Amount of Rides Too
By time I had worked my way over to Twisted Timbers, the sun was in a bad spot for most of the shots I wanted to take. This is when I knew I was done taking photos for the day. It was time to ride. One problem, I had a $2,500 camera & $500 lens I had to secure somewhere first. I wasn’t keen on leaving it in a locker, and of course, there was no way I was going to leave that on any ride platform. Back to the car I went – hitting a few of the shops on the way. By time I got to the car, I had a brand new long sleeved t-shirt for Twisted Timbers, a tie-dyed Anaconda t-shirt, and five new pins, which I just added to the Pin Collection page.
With my camera now in the car and all my shopping done, it was then time to focus on the other hobby that was getting eager to be satiated – riding roller coasters. In just three hours I managed to squeeze in a more rides that I anticipated. I could have ridden everything easily, but I left an hour before close because I was starving and had a mild headache from the heat. Still, I got to ride the majority of the park’s coasters, and naturally hit my favorite at the park, Twisted Timbers, twice.
Once I made it back into the park, I made my way straight to Grizzly. I’d say that was probably the first time in recent years that anyone wanted to do such a thing, but it sounds like a lot of people are eager to see how the re-tracking improved the ride. I was one of those people and didn’t want to wait to find out.
While I never hated the ride as much as some people do, I have to admit that portions of the track were pretty bad last year. Oddly, I thought it rode better in 2021 than in 2022. Still, the re-tracking needed to be done and I’m glad the coaster was given some TLC.
For those of you who follow We Were Inverted on Instagram (@WeWereInverted_IG), you have already heard my immediate feelings on the new and improved, Grizzly. If you don’t, I’d appreciate it if you check out my reel above and consider giving us a follow. Either way, I’ll let the video above explain my thoughts on Grizzly in 2023.
Racer 75
For the first time in, I don’t know how many years, both the South and North sides of Racer 75 were running during one of my visits. I’ve been relegated to the North side ever since the pandemic. I’m sure that’s just been dumb luck, but I can’t recall the last time I had a ride on the South track. I know Kaylee has visited with both sides up and running, but this was the first time in a long time it’s happened for me. Since it was, I made sure to do my South side ride first.
Just like all my rides on the North side the last few years, things were running smooth with good bits of airtime for the most part. I say “for the most part” because there was a brutal jolt right as we crested the hill going into the turn around. It caught me off guard and caused me to say “oww” out loud. I certainly wasn’t expecting that with how smooth the ride ran during the course out to that point. It was also fine heading back in. That made me curious. Would the North side have the same jolt, or would be just as smooth as it has been for all my visits the last few years?
After the super long walk out of the station and back to the ride entrance (can we seriously just cut an opening out of the fence by the entrance Kings Dominion?), I took my seat on the North side. As I had hoped for, it was full of the typical airtime, and ran smooth. No jolts, thankfully. That did make me curious about whether it was just one bad ride, but I didn’t feel like making the long walk again out and back for another try on the South side. Maybe next time I’ll give it a go and see. Well, unless I go back to my streak of it not being open when I go.
Yes, I’m that guy. I’m that guy who bought an Anaconda t-shirt. As a matter of fact, I changed into when I took my camera out to my car. I don’t know how many of these shirts the park has sold, but I can tell you when I was boarding Anaconda for my ride, the lead ride op asked me over the loud speaker, “Are you wearing an Anaconda shirt?” Clearly she was in awe and knew I had amazing taste in roller coasters. Either that or she had lost a bet with a co-worker that no one would buy one. I almost bought a second one for Chris, but figured he’d just use it to wash his car.
As for the ride, I always have to get at least one ride on Anaconda each visit. I have so many fond memories of riding this coaster when I was young. I thought it was the best thing ever back in 1991, when it debuted. I sung its graces for a few years.
Fast forward to now, I know it’s janky and the lake below is about the size of a pond these days, but every ride hits those heartstrings before I hit my head on the over the shoulder restraints. Okay, that was a joke. I actually don’t get head banging on the ride, but know so many people do. That’s why I’ve said for years now that I hope they keep the ride and put new trains on it, if even possible. Something with vest restraints, perhaps like the ones used on Vekoma Boomerangs.
Final Ride Counts
Anaconda (1)
Flight of Fear (1)
Grizzly (1)
Intimidator 305 (1)
Racer 75: North (1)
Racer 75: South (1)
Reptilian (1)
Tumbili (1)
Twisted Timbers (2)

1 Day, 2 Hobbies
This July 12, 2023 visit to Kings Dominion was one that let me scratch an itch for two, well three of my hobbies (if you count pin collecting). I’ve been eager to get all new photos at any and all amusement parks I visit. My new camera has allowed me to get shots I never even tried to take in the past and I’m loving the results.
All too often I find myself torn between wanting to ride and taking photos whenever I’m out at a park. Luckily for me, with parks like Kings Dominion, Hersheypark, and BGW being ones I frequent, I don’t feel like I missed out if I’m not in ride, ride, ride mode all day. I love taking photos, so getting to do that is something I enjoy. I know a few of you at the park and online have expressed interest in seeing what I took during this visit. I’m sorry it took me so long to get this trip report online, but better late than never! I hope you get a chance to check out the photos and give me some feedback on what you think.
Are there any parks in the Mid-Atlantic region that you’d like to see me photograph? How about rides? Are there any particular ones that you want to focus on if I find myself at their park? Feel free to let me know.
Kings Dominion Photo Gallery - July 12, 2023
If you would like to use any of the images in the gallery above for your commercial and/or non-commercial projects, feel free to do so. I ask that you credit We Were Inverted whenever they’re used. I also ask that you do not alter the image or remove the watermarks. If you need any images/video resized or without the watermarks, please contact me directly.
The following flight crew members attended this park, & earned the respective credits below:

New Credit(s): n/a