This year I have taken quite the liking to Skyrush at Hersheypark, which I plan to cover in a future blog. While I have always enjoyed it, it wasn’t my favorite at the park for the same reason many enthusiasts state – getting your thighs crushed. That hasn’t really happened to me this year and I’ve noticed the pads on the restraints are now a dark blue compared to the older, light blue. Maybe they installed softer pads? I’m not sure. All I know is that I have no problems riding the coaster two, three, even four times now. This year it just feels different.

My (Crazy?) Idea
That got me thinking… Is it possible to ride all 32 seats on Skyrush in a single visit to the park?
Yes, 32 rides on Skyrush. This crazy idea came to me while writing the blog, “Hersheypark – My 8th Stop, Mostly for f/Stops” earlier this week. The more I think about it, the more I honestly want to see if I can make it happen. And make it happen soon, as in, this Sunday soon.
Crunching the Numbers, but NOT My Thighs
In order to make this work, according to my math, I need to ride Skyrush once every 16.875 minutes over the course of the entire day. In recent visits, I have been able to pull off two rides in that amount of time, although that has never included waiting in the line for the front row. I will have to squeeze in four rides in the front to accomplish this feat.
Being able to enter the park at 10 a.m. instead of 11 a.m. with Sweet Start entry, makes me think this might be doable. I did think about waiting until next year instead, to see if the park would go back to its 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. schedule. If the Coronavirus moves on, however, that would mean more people inside the park. Doing this now might be my best option. Too bad I didn’t think of it sooner though as doing this on a weekday would probably help.
Nevertheless, I think I might try this on Sunday. There are a few things that could hamper my mission and quite frankly, ruin any possibility of it happening. Things such as: one train ops, a huge turnout at the park, rows being closed off, weather, and my well-being. I don’t even know if I’ll have a chance to take a break to eat or drink if I do this. I guess it will depend on what kind of pace I can pull off when I start. If I can pull ahead of the game, maybe a small break can be fit in at some point.
What Do You Think?
So, do you think I can pull this off? Am I crazy for even attempting this? Sam says I should go for it. How about tips? I’d love to hear from you about your thoughts on Mission 32 in 9, hopefully being conducted on Skyrush this coming Sunday at Hersheypark.