Take literally any individual you know in your life and Hersheypark will have something that they can enjoy.
- JD (HersheyAddict)
Eight months ago I was doing my normal browsing of roller coaster videos on YouTube. That’s when I happened upon a video titled, “Storm Runner in Lawsuit, Near Death Incident Reported.” Since I had signed up for my first-ever Hersheypark season pass for the 2020 season, it piqued my interest. That video belonged to none other than JD, the HersheyAddict.
Immediately following that video, I started looking through his other content. I loved his passion for his home park, a park I have been visiting since the early 80’s. As many of you know, Comet was my first “big” coaster and I have a lot of fond memories from Hershey with my Aunt Cheryl. Watching JD’s channel made all those memories come flooding over me. I hit subscribe and have been watching all of his content and chatting with him on both YouTube and Instagram (@HersheyAddict) ever since.
Since launching We Were Inverted, it has been my goal to interview other enthusiasts and content creators. Everyone has a story and each one is unique. JD’s story is one I certainly wanted to tell and I am happy he agreed to be featured.
JD and I discussed so many topics that I am presenting his interview in two parts. Part 1 (below), will focus on JD as a coaster enthusiast. It tells his history of getting into coasters, and of course, his immense love for Hersheypark. Next week, Part 2 will focus upon JD launching HersheyAddict and cover his journey as a content creator. Be sure to give both a read and follow him across all platforms.

Up the Lift Hill - Becoming an Enthusiast
The Early Days
Q. What are some of your earliest amusement park memories? Do you remember how old you were at the time?
A. As you could imagine, most of my earliest amusement park memories are from Hersheypark. I have been going to the park since before I was even a year old. I have been a consistent returning guest ever since.
Q. Did you visit Hersheypark on a regular basis? If so, who did you go with? Was there anyone in your life who helped get you into coasters and/or amusement parks?
A. Very much so. I typically went with my parents. Or if I was going with a friend, I went with their parents. Shoutout to Kelly and Noah, if you are reading this. However, in terms of becoming an enthusiast, I really didn’t visit Hersheypark as a coaster enthusiast until around 2015. Prior to that, I just viewed Hersheypark as a fun place to hang out with friends.
At that time, I was not coaster crazy at all. In fact, there was a portion of my life when I was scared of roller coasters. What truly sparked my love for coasters and thrills was a trip to Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv), with my best friend Camden. Camden also helps out with HersheyAddict from time to time.
Q. Other than Hersheypark, were there any other parks that you visited when you were younger? What were they and how did they compare for you to Hershey? Do you still visit them today?
A. Outside of Hersheypark trips, I really didn’t venture out to other parks in my early years. Well, outside of a trip to Walt Disney World in Orlando when I was 5. Man, for 5 year old JD, that place was magical. I still remember going crazy over all the character meetups and the Chef Mickey’s restaurant, which was our hotel’s on-site food buffet.
Q. Prior to becoming an enthusiast, what were some of your favorite rides?
A. If you know me, one of the coasters I am notorious for loving is Lightning Racer. Most of my love for that incredible GCI dueling wooden coaster is due to nostalgia. I marathoned the crap out of this thing at pretty much every Hershey visit until I became an enthusiast. That’s when I wanted to branch out to the other coasters at Hershey. Maybe some of my love towards Lightning Racer was due to my short height. I was in the “Hershey Bar” height category for so incredibly long, so Lightning Racer was one of the few thrilling coasters that I could do.
In terms of non-coasters, most of my favorite rides are actually now defunct, and are all from Hershey. These include Flying Falcon, Reese’s Xtreme Cup Challenge, and The Rodeo.

Enthusiast Status
Q. At what age did you come to realize that you were an enthusiast? Was there a particular moment that cemented it?
A. I forget the exact age, but I think it was around 14. Going to SFGAdv with Camden and riding Kingda Ka really did it for me. That was the moment. I am not sure why, but to this day, riding the tallest roller coaster in the world really felt magical. It made me want to see what other coasters were out there. Before I knew it, I was watching Coaster Studios, Koaster Kids, and Coaster Bot, amongst other channels on YouTube. Chances are, if Kingda Ka was not the world’s tallest coaster, I would not be a coaster enthusiast I am here today.
Q. Do you keep track of your credit count? If so, where do you currently stand?
A. Sure do! Currently at 88 coaster credits and hoping to reach the century mark this year.
Q. What is your favorite steel coaster? What makes it stand out above the rest?
A. Intimidator 305 at Kings Dominion, without thought. I am a sucker for speed and intensity. It’s what I like most about a coaster. With that being said, Intimidator 305 is widely considered to be the most intense coaster in the world, so it was a match made in heaven. Nothing beats the feeling of graying out!
Q. How about wooden? Why do you prefer this one over your other wooden credits?
A. This is a very cliché and basic answer, but it’s El Toro. For a wooden coaster it just does everything to perfection. Speed? You got it. Intensity? You got it. Airtime? Yes sir. It is just the perfect wooden coaster. Most enthusiasts have in their Top 5 to 10 for a reason.

Q. Steel or wooden, what are some other coasters that are among your favorites?
A. Just going off my rankings, some other notable coasters that deserve some love include: Steel Vengeance, Skyrush, Phantom’s Revenge, Superman Ride of Steel at Six Flags America (SFA), and Phoenix.
Q. Obviously, with a site titled, “We Were Inverted,” inverted coasters are a favorite of mine. Do you have any make, model, or coaster variations that you really enjoy?
A. I love myself some good inversions, but I would be kidding myself if I did not say hyper or giga coasters with a focus on speed. Just looking at my rankings, so many coasters, including ones I did not mention, focus on speed and intensity. Skyrush, Superman Ride of Steel, and Phantom just to list a few. Intamin does this the best in my opinion, although I wish they were a more reliable manufacturer. So if I had to list a manufacturer, I would definitely go with them.
Q. Drops, launches, inversions, airtime… The list goes on. What are some of your favorite coaster elements?
A. My favorite coaster element of all time is the pretzel loop, found on flying coasters. Nothing beats it for me. It’s such a unique sensation and also really pulls some forces. I also love myself a good hydraulic launch.

That "Sweet" Airtime - Loving Hersheypark
The Park
Q. What is it about Hersheypark that you love so much. Take as much time as you need!
A. I get this question all the time, and if I told you every reason why, this interview would stretch longer than the American Dictionary. I’ll give you a reason most people do not consider or think about.
Think of some of the top parks in the world: Hersheypark, Cedar Point, Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM), and Busch Gardens Tampa (BGT) may be some of the top picks. However, what makes Hersheypark so much different is that it’s not owned by a chain. This allows the park to have a unique family like feel, since it’s owned by Hershey Entertainment & Resorts. In the states, it’s truly the only park that has an elite lineup and is not owned by a chain. I think that individual ownership gives Hershey the majority of the qualities that makes me love it so much. Of course, there is so much more, but I can’t go into everything here.
Q. How often do you find yourself visiting the park? Is it something you never get tired of?
A. During the operating season, I typically am at the park once a week. When I became the “HersheyAddict,” I was nervous that it would tire out my love for the park. It did the exact opposite. Ever since launching the channel, my love for the park has grown to newfound levels. The park’s attractions and ride lineup is so diverse. This allows me to have a unique agenda, or plan of attack, for rides I want to do without getting tired. Meeting fans, getting footage, or sometimes going undercover at the park to hang out with real life friends helps keeps things interesting too.

The Rides
Q. If I asked you to pick your three favorite roller coasters at Hersheypark, what are they and what do you love about them?
A. Now its starting to heat up. Currently my top three at the park, starting with number one, are: Skyrush, Candymonium, and Lightning Racer. I am 99 percent sure that Storm Runner will be in this top three, but since I haven’t been able to ride it since 2019, I chose to keep it out of my rankings. I want to experience it again. Stay tuned to the channel for my new opinions on Storm Runner whenever it reopens.
I already described my love for Lightning Racer earlier, and Candymonium is just an all around terrific coaster. Strong floater airtime, high speeds, and with a few unique elements sprinkled towards the end of the layout, it keeps you on your toes. You can truly never go wrong with a B&M Hyper. Skyrush continues my trend of my pure love and enjoyment for speed and intensity. Even though its restraints are far from perfect, the pure intensity keeps it as my number one at the park.
Q. I know from your videos that you also have an affinity for Hersheypark’s flat rides. What are three of your favorite flat rides?
A. I am a sucker for Hershey’s flats as well. My favorite flat ride of all time is unfortunately a ride that is no longer in operation – Flying Falcon. This was a HUSS Condor that operated right next to the entrance of ZooAmerica. Falcon gave a night ride like no other, and in my opinion topped some of the coasters in terms of fun factor. Other notable flats that I also enjoy include the Hershey Triple Tower, Frontier Flyer, and Fender Bender.
Q. You seem like you’re tapped into some of the rumors concerning the park’s future. If they asked you to make the call, what would Hershey’s next few rides be and where are you putting them? You know full well that I want them all to go in The Hallow.
A. Most people have titled me as “The #1 Source For All News & Rumors On Hersheypark!” If Hershey gave me that phone call, the first thing I would do is call GCI and have them do a steel titan track conversion on Wildcat. The coaster simply has not aged well, in my opinion. Allowing GCI to revisit their first creation, with their newest technology, would be so poetic. Wildcat truly needs it.
I would also make sure that Flying Falcon returns immediately. Hersheypark still has the entirety of the Falcon in storage and perhaps a return is already in the works?
Lastly, budget permitting, I would love to install a launched B&M Wing In Hershey’s Chocolatetown, to accompany Candymonium. Something similar to Thunderbird at Holiday World would be a perfect fit at Hersheypark.
I would love to see more attractions in The Hollow, but there is practically zero inches of land to work with in there. If Hershey can somehow fit something, I am all in as well.
Q. For anyone reading who has never been to Hersheypark, what would you tell them to convince them that the park is worth visiting?
A. Hersheypark truly has something for everyone. For tourists, you have all the one-of-a-kind sweets and chocolates that are must tries. For the thrill seekers, you have arguably one of the best roller coaster lineups in the country. For the families, you have an underrated lineup of family attractions, a zoo (included with admission), as well as a water park. Take literally any individual you know in your life and Hersheypark will have something that they can enjoy. The park is so well rounded, which makes it appealing to anyone and everyone.

The Sweets
Q. What’s your favorite Hershey candy/chocolate?
A. For the longest time I was Team Twizzlers all day. However, in huge recent news, I have officially switched. I am now Team Reese’s, the peanut butter and chocolate combo is so elite.
Q. Have you ever had one of those massive milkshakes? I’m scared to get one knowing I won’t be able to put a dent in it.
A. Of course! Here is a pro tip, and this is something I always go by when I get one. I need to have a group of at least four people that is all committed to downing the shake. The shake truly earns the name “King-Sized.” They are massive! They are also pretty pricey, since it is Hersheypark’s signature item. Having a group to split the cost and the shake is also clutch. If you can drink one all by yourself, and can still ride coasters afterwards, shoot me a direct message. You will have earned my respect.
Returning to the Station - Future Enthusiast Goals
Q. Are there any park trips you have coming up that you’re looking forward to – both getting back to Hersheypark as well as any others?
A. Absolutely. This year I have already gone to Nickelodeon Universe in New Jersey, SFA, and by the time this interview is out, I should have visited Hersheypark for it’s Opening Day. Other parks I have planned for this year include: Dorney Park, Knoebels, Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW), SFGAdv, and a return to SFA. Parks that I may get to this year but are not confirmed are Six Flags New England (SFNE) and Dollywood. And of course there will be countless Hershey visits sprinkled in between.
Q. Are there any park or rides on your bucket list that you’re just itching to experience?
A. Yes! For the most part, I only really research North American parks right now, so some parks on my bucket list consist of BGT, SFMM, Silver Dollar City (SDC), and Islands Of Adventure at Universal Orlando (IoA).
Be sure to check back next week for Part 2, when JD shares how the HersheyAddict channel came to be, his journey since the channel’s launch, future plans, and even some advice for aspiring content creators.