Back on July 31, I published the blog, “CAG Report – August 2020.” In it I mentioned the annual workplace amusement park trip I have done for more than a decade. I made quick mention of how much of a struggle it was to arrange this year due to Covid-19. Later in that same blog I went on to mention how I resigned from this job only days before the trip. I still attended with everyone and had a great time.
Not wanting to leave the day to just a blurb on my first “CAG Report,” I’m here to do a full park report on how the day went. Each day at a park has special moments, with special people, and I want to share them each and every time – especially since this looks to be the final trip that I arranged for a job I held for 24 years.
A total of 29 people went on this year’s trip, which was more than I expected with people’s concerns over the pandemic and having to wear a mask on what turned out to be a 97 degree day. Of those 29 people, a good number of the site’s Flight Crew was on hand, including: Jason, Elaina, Brad, Chris, Reid, Mindy, and Sam.
Little did we expect the high temperature caused a bit of an issue when arriving at the park. Two of my friends, Rani and Bella, were told that since they were measuring 101 on their temperature screening, they will not be allowed access if they register that high one more time. Meanwhile, at another entrance, the people in my group also experienced some issues. Mindy measured 101 and Sam measured 106. Both Mindy’s daughter, Mailyn, and myself screened in at 98 each.
Now it’s quite obvious that it was the sweltering heat causing those high reading. Our screener, knowing this much, took our temperatures on our wrist instead and cleared us to enter. By that time, Rani and Bella had stood in the shade for five minutes and then rescanned. They were fine. I know this whole situation is hard for everyone, but I really wish Hershey did it’s screenings somewhere other than out in the scorching hot sun. Six Flags America (SFA) does them under tents, which also have fans blowing inside. I reached out to them about it, but the reply was a little underwhelming.
Moving on…
Sam Rides Her Second Hyper
Once we were all in the park, we headed directly to Candymonium. Since Sam had conquered Superman: Ride of Steel at SFA a few weeks prior, she really wanted to give Candymonium a go. She was still hesitant, but rode with Mailyn, Mindy, and myself. By the end, she was so happy and saying how much she loved it. She’s really turning into a Bolliger & Mabillard (B&M) fangirl.
While we were in line for Candymonium, we saw some of our other coworkers a few dozen people ahead of us. We decided to wait up for each other after the ride so we could ride together. The line for the first ride of that day was the longest I’ve seen for Candymonium so far this year. It was about a 30-35 minute wait. Still, not bad. Candymonium was also running all three trains, so those who were ahead of us didn’t have to wait long at all.

Going Ride to Ride
From Candymonium the combined group went to the following rides in order (with a couple of food and drink stops in between): Comet, Skyrush, Coal Cracker, Great Bear, Triple Tower, Trailblazer, Sidewinder, Fahrenheit, and then Lightning Racer. All the rides were pretty much a walk on. We did have some downtime waiting for eight of our group members to get front row rides on Skyrush. With one train operations on the ride that day, they didn’t realize how long of a wait they were in for. Meanwhile, Mailyn, Rani, Bella, and myself waited for only one train before we loaded and went up that cable lift hill. By time we were finished, Rani’s the speed of the ride had blown her braids out of her hair. Can you say intense? At least our thighs didn’t hurt!

Sam Finally Rides Great Bear in 2020
After hitting Lightning Racer, which actually had a 15 minute wait for the first time in like a decade (usually a walk-on), we were running out of time before the park closed. Some people in the group wanted to go on Laff Track, but I knew Sam really wanted to get on Great Bear. With the length of the line for Laff Track, I knew getting in both would be difficult. Our group split at that point, agreeing to meet back up in Chocolate World outside the park after it closed.
With our group segmented, I was back with just the people who came to the park with me – Sam, Mindy, and Mailyn. We power walked over to Great Bear and I know Sam was excited. It’s her favorite coaster and she was unable to get on the coaster, back on opening day, Friday, July 3, 2020 due to her not feeling well. Thankfully, there was no wait at all when we arrived, so we were right on and right off.
Candymonium Then Out to Chocolate World
Looking at the time, I knew we’d have time to get on one final ride. We went straight to Candymonium. With it at the front of the park, it made perfect sense just to head that way anyhow. We also managed to catch up with Elaina and her boyfriend, Austin. Elaina also wanted one more ride on Candymonium, so she joined Mailyn and I for one last ride on the day. While they waited for us, Mindy, Sam, and Austin did some shopping. Sam picked up a few coaster shirts as our reservations for Chocolate World drew near. Naturally one those shirts was a Great Bear shirt, but the other featured the park’s three woodies, Comet, Lightning Racer, and Wildcat. Sam also enjoys wooden coasters, with Lightning Racer being her favorite woodie.
At that point, it was 7 p.m. and the park was closed. We made our way to Chocolate World and did a little bit (or a lot) of shopping. I think I went to the cash registers seven times with my different friends to get them discounts using my season pass. One of the guys I worked with, and his girlfriend, bought about $200 worth of chocolate and every different kind of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup variation they had. Our day was pretty much done at this point.
Sam and I decided to get a milkshake while Mindy and Mailyn waited for us. Before heading out we decided to jump on the Chocolate World ride. Wouldn’t you know it, about a minute from the end of the ride, it broke down, or was stopped for some reason. It was down for a good 10 minutes or so when it sounded like a rider on a cart somewhere behind us was getting angry and wanted off the ride. You could hear him shouting and park employees telling him to stay put. Naturally, it’s 2020 and no one listens to anyone anymore and he walked off and I’m guessing, out of an emergency exit? His voice tailed off, along with the employees and that was the end of that. Another five minutes go by and they get it back up and running and we were finally done for the day. Quite an interesting way to finish up.
I was so glad that Sam got to ride Great Bear, but even more importantly, conquer Candymonium. She’s really getting into this hobby and is looking forward to going to so many more parks. It was also great to be able to spend the day with Mindy and Mailyn. Mindy is one of my closest friends and someone who is so selfless. She wasn’t feeling wonderful for most of the evening, but with Mailyn and everyone else having a great time, she encouraged everyone to do their thing. That’s just how she is. And then there’s Mailyn. Even before we got to the park she was giving me crap about my choice of food after stopping at a Sheetz off of I-83. Apparently it, “smelled funny.” It’s okay though, Sam and I a few weeks later drove out of our way to a Sheetz, since there’s not in our immediate area, to buy Mailyn a meatball sub of her own. We showed up unannounced to her, with a bottle of her “favorite” soda, Dr. Pepper. Keep goofing on me, Mailyn! I got you!
One thing that I am also happy to say is that I got to spend most of the day with a majority of the 29 people who went. This looks to be the final trip I do with them as a member of that staff. There were so many workplace park trips that I’ve coordinated and so many memories that I’ve had during those times. I’ll never forget those or the people who went. I’ll be sure to stay in touch with many of them and hopefully hit up some more parks in the years to come.
Until then, if you see that I’ll be attending a park around you, be sure to hit me up…
You can be my wingman anytime! (Top Gun, 1986)
The following flight crew members attended this park, & earned the respective credits below:

New Credit(s): n/a

New Credit(s): Candymonium

New Credit(s): Candymonium

New Credit(s): Candymonium

New Credit(s): Candymonium

New Credit(s): Candymonium

New Credit(s): Candymonium, Comet, Skyrush, Great Bear, Trailblazer, Sidewinder, Fahrenheit, & Lightning Racer (Lightning)

New Credit(s): n/a

New Credit(s): Candymonium, Great Bear, & Lightning Racer (Thunder)